Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Welcome

I was just welcomed into town by the welcoming committe which has existed for years and years and they gave me a basket full of coupons, ads, and free gifts. One included a free gift to a funeral home. My curiousity was peeked to say the least.
I made the trek out there, just to satisfy the curiously - expecting an odd assortment of zoombified things mulling through my thoughts - to be welcomed by a young man. Who took me to a back room.
I made no pretenses, no quick conversation, but handed him the card and asked for my free gift.
He laughed, and quickly came back with... an ice cream spoon.
An ice cream spoon? At least I left alive....


  1. Ice cream spoon? How bizarre and random.

    It's strange to me the town has a welcoming committee, and they actually carry out the duties of their title. I'm not opposed to it, I actually think it's a very nice gesture!

  2. They have a welcoming committe for the town? Wow. And an ice cream spoon at a funeral parlor? Weeeeiiiird.
